Ordo Cladocera


  • Apstein, C. 1901a. Cladocera (Daphnidae), Wasserflöhe. Nordisches Plankton, 4(7): 11-15. Lipsius & Tischer, Kiel. (Reprint Asher & Co., Amsterdam, 1964).
  • Flößner, D. 1972. Kiemen- und Blattfüßer, Branchiopoda; Fischläuse, Branchiura. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands, 60. Teil. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena.
  • Gieskes, W.W.C. 1971. Ecology of the Cladocera of the North Atlantic and the North Sea. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 5: 342-376.
  • Madhupratap, M., S. Nehring and J. Lenz 1996. Resting eggs of zooplankton (Copepoda and Cladocera) from the Kiel Bay and adjacent waters (southwestern Baltic). Marine Biology, 125(1): 77-87.