- Kramp, P.L. 1959. The hydromedusae of the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent waters. Dana Report 46: 1-283; 2 plates, 335 text figures.
- Kramp, P.L. and D. Damas 1925. Les Méduses de la Norvège. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk Forening i København 80: 217-323.
- Russell, F.S. 1953a. The medusae of the British Isles. Anthomedusae, Leptomedusae, Limnomedusae, Trachymedusae, and Narcomedusae. Cambridge University Press, 530 pp. 319 figures, 35 plates.
- Russell, F.S. 1970a. The medusae of the British Isles. II. Pelagic Scyphozoa; with a supplement to the first volume on hydromedusae. Cambridge University Press 283 pp.