Genus Doloria

Skogsberg, 1920

This genus is very similar to Vargula, differing in two main characters. The endopodite of the second antenna in the male is developed into a powerful triple jointed clasping organ. On the upper lip the fields of glands are separated by shallow, rather then deep grooves.

Poulsen (1962) subdivided the genus Doloria on the basis of the setae on end of the maxilla being smooth and bent into hooks, or smoothly curved and strongly pectinate (i.e. armed with a row of many small spines - the latter being placed in a new genus Paradoloria. Poulsen further characterised Paradoloria as having only 9-10 pairs of caudal furca spines (c.f 11-13 in Doloria) with either the third or fourth being shorter and slimmer than the following spine, also the endopodite of the second antenna is similar in both sexes, whereas in males of Doloria it is developed into a clasping organ. Kornicker (1987) described Doloria sarsi from the Skagerrak.

[Adapted from Angel, 2000]