Campylaspis verrucosa

Sars, 1866

Female, body rather short and stout, with the anterior division greatly tumefied. Carapace large and swollen, evenly vaulted above, and having the anterior part but slightly excerted, surface uneven owing to scattered nodiform protuberances, which laterally have a tendency to arrange themselves in longitudinal rows
Male, much more slender than the female, with the carapace shallower, and scarcely at all vaulted above. Appendages exhibiting the usual transformation.
No free telson.

This species resembles Campylaspis horrida, but may be readily distinguished by the somewhat different form of the carapace and the less numerous and more obtuse protuberances on its surface. Moreover the stem of the uropods is considerably shorter, and the colour of the body very different.

Whitish with a faint greenish tinge.

Length: female up to 5.5 mm, male up to 6.5 mm.

Deeper shelf and slope on muddy clay.

Depth range
Down from 100 to 200 m.

Distribution in the North Sea
Norway, Skagerrak

World distribution
NW Europe, Mediteranean.

[After Sars, 1900]