Sulculeolaria biloba

(Sars, 1846)

Anterior nectophore [Sulceolaria biloba ]: without ostial teeth. The short, ovoid somatocyst is obliquely inclined. The mouthplate is divided into two elongated lobes.
Posterior nectophore [S.biloba-postnect ]: characterised by the shape of the mouthplate, which bears two side processes and a central thickening.

Anterior nectophore up to 20 mm in height.

Depth range
Living close to the sea surface.

Both this species and Sulculeolaria turgida (Gegenbaur, 1953) have been described under the name Galetta australis. At present, it is difficult to sort out some of the earlier records.

Distribution in the North Sea
Possibly northern North Sea; up to the western continental shelf as far as the north of Scotland.

World distribution
Sulculeolaria biloba is a warm water species, rarely found in temperate waters.

[After Kirkpatrick and Pugh, 1984]