Tubularia spp

The following species (possibly) occur in the North Sea, but only the polyp stage is known, the exact medusal stage of each of these species is unknown (Hansson, 1998a).

¥ Tubularia bellis Allman, 1863.
Meduse unknown; polyp occurs in the lower eulittoral and is common in the whole North Sea.
¥ Tubularia indivisa Linnaeus, 1758.
Meduse unknown; the polyp occurs from 0 to at least 280 m depth and is common in the whole North Sea.
¥ Tubularia larynx Ellis and Solander, 1786.
Meduse unknown; the polyp occurs from the lower shore to at least 100 m depth and is common in the whole North Sea. Detached hydranths were occasionally found in the neritic plankton of the Dutch Waddenzee.
¥ Tubularia regalis Boeck, 1860.
Meduse unknown; depth range unknown; concerning the North Sea, the polyp possibly occurs in the Oslofjorden; in the Atlantic Ocean it is found in the NE Atlantic, NE Greenland, Shetlands, along the Norway coast, Spitzbergen, and Nova Zembla.