Sagitta tasmanica

Thompson, 1947

Body firm, rigid and opaque. Hooks serrated. Collarette very small or absent; no alimentary diverticula. Eyes small, with T-shaped pigment spot. Two pairs of lateral fins, separated but very close to each other, rounded, with a small rayless zone. The anterior fins begin at region of the ventral ganglion.
Ovaries reaching to about the ventral ganglion, with relatively large ova. Seminal vesicles nearly touching the posterior fins, slightly separated from the tail fin. Vesicles with a posterior trunk and a distinct glandular knob with protuberances.
Hooks: 6-9. Teeth in two rows, anterior 6-9 and posterior 9-15.

Maximum body length 30 mm; relative tail length 20-30%.

Depth range

Distribution in the North Sea
Northern North Sea.

World distribution
Epipelagic in the N Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sae, the S Indian and Pacific Oceans.

[After Pierrot-Bults and Chidgey, 1988]