Luidia sarsi

Düben and Koren, 1846

The planktonic bipinnaria larva of L. sarsi attains a rather large size. In the late bipinnaria the larva develops a five-armed rudiment — concordant with the number of arms of the adult, which develops from the rudiment.
The larva has a "stalk" with extensive ciliary bands, the larva has also larval arms and ciliary girdles.
The juvenile disk has tube-feet that are already active before the release of the starfish from the larva.
The larval development is long, more than one year.
Among the larva of starfishes, L. sarsi is special because its exceptionally large size, and at metamorphosis the larval body detaches from the juvenile starfish and the larval body remains alive for a considerable time.

Depth range
Larva planktonic; adults usually in waters deeper than 20 m, often on, or buried in muddy sediments.

Larval size may get up to about 14 mm.

Distribution in the North Sea
Northern North Sea, maybe rare in the South.