Clio cuspidata


  • Fraser, J.H. 1950. List of rare exotic species found in the plankton by the Scottish research vessels in 1949. Annales Biologiques, Vol. VI: 95-99. Conseil Permanent pour l'Exploration de la Mer, Kopenhagen.
  • Spoel, S. van der 1972. Pteropoda Thecosomata. Fiches d'Identification du Zooplancton, 140-142 (.
  • Tesch, J.J. 1947. Pteropoda Thecosomata. Fiches d'Identification du Zooplancton, 8 (.
  • van der Spoel, S., L. Newman and K.W. Estep 1997. Pelagic Molluscs of the World. World Biodiversity Database CD-ROM Series. Version 1.0. ETI, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam.