Soestia zonaria


  • Apstein, C. 1905. Salpen der deutsche Tiefsee-Expedition. Wissentschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition auf dem Dampfer "Valdivia" 1898-1899, 12(3): 245-290 (7 plates). Fisher Verlag, Jena.
  • Bone, Q. (ed.) 1998. The biology of pelagic tunicates. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 340 pp.
  • Godeaux, J. 1998. The relationships and systematics of the Thaliacea, with keys for identification. In: Q. Bone (ed.),.
  • Kott, P. 1998. Tunicata. In: A. Wells and W.W.K. Houston,.
  • Soest, R.W.M. van 1975b. Zoogeography and speciation in the Salpidae (Tunicata, Thaliacea). Beaufortia, 23(307): 181-215.