Conchoderma auritum


  • Broch, H. 1959. Cirripedia. Thoracica, Family Lepadidae. Fiches d'Identification du Zooplancton, 83 (.
  • Hayward, P.J. and J.S. Ryland 1990. Handbook of the Marine Fauna of North-West Europe. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Nilsson-Cantell, C.-A. 1978. Cirripedia Thoracica and Acrothoracica. Marine invertebrates of Scandanavia, Number 5. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo. 135 pp.
  • Van Bree, P.J.H. 1971. The Rabbit-eared barnacle, Conchoderma auritum, on the teeth of the dolphin Stenella frontalis. Zeitschrift für Säugtierkunde, 36 (5): 316-317.