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  • 1963d
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  • 1963c
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  • 1963b
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  • 1933
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  • 1971
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  • 1967
  • Crustacea. (Pelagic adults) Order Decapoda, V. Caridea. Families pasiphaeidae, Oplophoridae, Hippolytidae and Pandalidae. Fiches d'Identification du Zooplancton, 112 (
  • 1980
  • Crustacea. Cirripedia: Balanomorph nauplii of the NW Atlantic shores. Fiches d'Identification du Zooplancton, 163 (
  • 1960
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  • 1962
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  • 1957b
  • Crustacea. Decapoda: larvae. V. Caridea, family Hippolytidae. Fiches d'Identification du Zooplancton, 68 (1957). Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer, Kopenhagen.
  • , 1978
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  • 1983
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  • , 1972
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  • 1967
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  • Crustáceos Decápodos Ibéricos. Investigación Pesquera, 32. Barcelona. 510 pp.
  • 1975
  • Ctenophora. Fiches d'Identification du Zooplancton 146. Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer, Kopenhagen.
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  • 1985
  • Ctenostome bryozoans. Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series), No. 33.
  • 1957e
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  • 1957c
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  • 1957f
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  • 1957d
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  • 1957b
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  • 1957a
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  • Cyclostome bryozoans. Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series), No. 34.